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Infinite Campus

Infinite Campus Overview

What is Infinite Campus?

Infinite Campus, just one component of Clayton's Student Toolkit for
Academic Reporting Systems (C-STARS) is a comprehensive student data management tool that allows parents, teachers, and students to communicate with one another.

1. Parents and students may view Attendance, Schedules, Grades and Assignment Details Online
2. Direct notices and messages from the District, School and Teachers
3. Access to the Infinite campus App from your mobile iOS or Android devices

Infinite Campus Login
The Infinite Campus Parent Portal is a key component of the Infinite Campus Student Information System, which will allow parents the opportunity to be engaged in their child(ren)’s education through direct access to grades, assignments, and teachers.

An activation key is needed to create your account. To access the Infinite Campus Parent Portal, please view the video on how to claim your account by clicking the link in the menu located on the left side of this page.

 If you have problems with the following below, start by utilizing the FAQs located on the menu on the left side of this page.  

    • logging into the Campus Parent Portal, or

    • answering questions concerning the Campus Parent Portal,