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Attendance Policy

Mundy’s Mill Middle STEM School Attendance Policies and Procedures

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Main Office Hours:  8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.


  • Students are expected to be in class by 8:45 a.m.
  • When a student is late, you will need to physically walk your student to the front office to sign them in.  You do not need to call the front office.
  •  It is imperative that students arrive at school on time.  Beginning Monday September 11th, any student who has 3 or more unexcused tardies will receive a consequence, i.e. Silent lunch, alternative classroom placement, or in school suspension (ISS).

Early Checkout Procedures

  • Parents/Guardians should send a signed note to school with your child on the day your student is to be checked out.  The note should state what time you should be arriving to pick up your child and the reason why.  The student is to bring the note to the Attendance Office before the first period.
  • All students must be signed out by a parent/guardian and a personal ID must be presented.
  •  Early check out ends at 3:00 p.m. on regular school days and 12:00 p.m. on Early Release Days.  If a parent arrives after 3:00 p.m., the student will be called upon dismissal at 3:45 p.m. during regular dismissal.

Reporting Absence

  •  If your child will be absent from school, please call the Main Office at (770) 473-2880 the day your child is absent.  It is your responsibility to contact the school when your child is absent.  Courtesy calls are made from Infinite Campus when a student is marked absent.
  • When your child returns, please provide the Attendance Office with a written note or doctor’s excuse within three days verifying the date and reason for the absence.
    Unless you follow these procedures, your child’s absence will be unexcused.  Excused absences are illness, doctor appointments, death in the family, religious holidays or service as a congregational p[age.
  • Students are provided the opportunity to make up missed assignments, regardless of the reason for the absences.  It is the student and parent’s responsibility to make arrangements and/or complete work within three school days of the student’s return to school.

Absences/After-School Activities

Students who are absent from school will not be allowed to participate in after-school activities, such as school dances, athletic contests, club meetings and other after-school sponsored events.